Did you know?... The height of a bowling pin is equal to its circumference.
From: Leo Daniels SegaRules.com [leorules@wilmington.net]
To: mail@fugly.com
Sent: Mon 07/03/2000 09:00 PM
Subject: Trailer Park


Leo again, emailing from work on my laptop. If you go to http://www.cyberchack.com.au and listen to the show you will hear the copycat ripoff artist claim how he made the site in only 5 minutes, then he claims most of the pics are from people sending them to him. What a crock! He mentions www.fugly.net but NOT www.fugly.com! Anyways you can hear his austrailian accent as well. I can't believe he got on that radio station and claimed the site as his own. He never returns my emails!
Thanks again,
Leo Daniels

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