Did you know?... Perspiration is odorless; it is the bacteria on the skin that creates an odor.
From: Wesley Crowe [wesley_crowe@hotmail.com]
To: trailerparkwars@fugly.com
Sent: Sat 07/08/2000 03:09 PM
Subject: Leo's Site!


To Whom it may concern,
I met Leo Daniels down in Wrightsville Beach, NC the weekend after Memorial Day. And at this time there was no other trailer park sites at all! Matter of fact, a friend in Cincinatti, OH had emailed me about the site in early spring and in casual conversation with Leo one night when I was visiting, I brought the subject of the site up and he informed me that he had built it. He even went into the story that originally gave him the idea to build it. SO, this other guy is a fraud! But, as you said, some people just don't have the originality to create something on their own. I've put the word out for Leo, so you'll see the results pour in, in favor of Leo. Its the talk of the town in a few major metropolitans, which my friends and I have personally generated through word of mouth. But, in the end, the tally will tell!
Wes Crowe

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