is the original site, lets examine a few things about it the Address is
shorter on both the geocities site
and the forward address
. Compared to
Thats the really 1st big thing you notice the 1st page would have gotten
the smaller page and not added the "page" on the end so Leo wins there.
Another thing you notice is the links the Leo page is always adding newer
and funnier links they have like 15 links to the funny sites compared
to the 4 on the Tony page, again Leo wins. Look at the context of the
"4th" page on the Tony site I believe that Tony made that one page because
its not funny its a bit lame you never see suck a lame page on Leos links.
Leo wins again.
Also you said that both people contacted you or you them so they both
knew about your contest, and only one would Link your site at the top
of the page updating the page and that was Leo. Leo wins again.
Tony's site has been down for 2 days now, he seems not to care to even
set it up somewhere else. Leos isn`t and will be moving to one of my webshells
we own. So Leo again.
Oh yea the email accounts at hotmail Leos is
and Tony's is . Again we see Leos is always
the shortest because you and I know the 1st guy gets the shortest name
he can. So again Tony's is fake.
Look at your poll Leo is always like 50% of the 3 choices and Tony just
ties with the neither pick. Dude another big piece of proof that you have
asked for. Leo Again.
Well we know that Tony is from Australia do you really think a "mate"
could be that funny? Come one Australians are almost as funny as the English.
Leo is from a Southern State Wilmington, North Carolina this alone says
wonders for the people and places he knows and how he knows the funny
side of it all.
One of the biggest pieces of proof is me I helped make the page myself
and we did it from the pics off of your page and others like it. Now on
your page and the others will have links to them.
PS. I sent this to Leo and I am the owner of the email
email me their and test me.
Mark A. Leatherman -
= W a r T o y z =-
Network Administrator for
The FreedomChat Network