Did you know?... Sales of Rolaids, Alka-Seltzer, and Tums jump 20% in December "
From: Michael Ford [michaelford@isapimp.net]
To: info@fugly.com
Sent: Sun 07/09/2000 03:12 PM
Subject: Total Freedom Is Not Estranged ~ Leo's Site Is Original


Dear fugly.com,
The person who emailed you from totalfreedom@hotmail.com is not Estranged. The person goes by the name of Shelby and from unknown reasons has something against me "the real was Estranged" and Leo. But Leo's trailer park site is very original and is linked on my site. If anybody is a fraud or unoriginal it is the person who sent you the email "Shelby" who has decided to pretend to be someone there not. If you have any other questions regarding this matter feel free to email me back. Thanks.
-Michael Ford
-Michael Ford

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