Did you know?... The average home creates more pollution than does the average car.
From: Leo Daniels [webmaster@leorules.com]
To: fugly.com
Sent: Tue 07/11/2000 10:22 PM
Subject: Fw: transfer of ownership


OMG!!!!!!! I get home and I have 3 emails from register.com about domain transfers!!!!! I called them and they didn't recieve an email, so there was nothing to be traced, BUT the guy told me a person had called in. They don't have a number as to where it was from, BUT I was put in contact with the person that did take the call and he did recognize a distinct accent!!!!!! Also if you'll notice after zgeek.com's host was contacted about copyrighted material and herassment he has taken down ALL my pics and has gone back pretty much to his original site. Just thought I'd point that out.

----- Original Message -----
From: support@register.com
To: leorules@wilmington.net
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 4:51 PM
Subject: transfer of ownership.
> If this response does not completely answer your question or if you
> have additional questions about your domain name, click on the link
> below or copy and paste the link into your web browser to submit your
> inquiry to a register.com customer service representative.
> http://www.register.com/reply.cgi?ginewrn123=1633574190&smwerw=604941
> In order to transfer the registrant of a domain name, we require the current registrant to authorize register.com to proceed with the transfer. tptrash.com and glewis.com can not be transfered without this.
> Please visit http://www.register.com/faq/transfer-ownership.cgi for complete instructions and the Transfer Registrant form.
> Thank you for using register.com, the first step on the web.
> Customer Support
> register.com, inc.
> http://www.register.com
> Toll free in the U.S. and Canada: (800) 899-9704 > Outside the U.S. and Canada: +1 (212) 798-9200

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