Did you know?... If you take all the molecules in a teaspoon of water and lined them up end to end in a single file line, they would stretch nearly 30 billion miles.
From: sean dodge [sean_dodge@hotmail.com]
To: trailerparkwars@fugly.com
Sent: Wed 07/12/2000 10:06 AM
Subject: TONY's Site is a Rip Off


Guys at Fugly or should I say Fugly Guys?

I personally sent Leo Daniels one of the pictures on both of the pages: http://irc.segarules.com/deerhunter.jpg in fact I have gotten myself a lawyer to get it removed from this other guys site at http://www.geocities.com/trailerparkpage/deerhunter.jpg. Leo has my permission to post that pic on the net that other guy does not.


Sean Dodge

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