Hey I mad a boo boo
on radio about the net and .com I was nervous and I feel like a dumb ass.
I can tell you honestly and truthfully I made the site from scratch (apart
from stealing your pictures). I have had lots of people rip the site off,
and it pisses me off how some fuckwits claim its all their idea. Once
such person was from http://benisfat.homestead.com. Is is possible fo
you to forward one of these emails to me?.. or pass mine onto this fellow.
The history of the site is this, I used to work in a call center, and
as part of my duties was to clear old web sites of customers who had left
us, and I saw some shocking sites.. so as joke I made one up for my team
mates. One of them must have emailed it to their friend etc etc and I
got out. The Lurlene site was not created by me but by my work mate Kristy..
once I realized how big the site got I used it to get publicity for my
other web site zgeek.com . Since its been up, It has been on radio in
the UK, USA & Australia.. also its been mentioned on David letterman (i
wish I saw it) and a fellow called Chris Skata (i think that how its spelt)
who works for a company that produces Mr Bean has contacted me and asked
me to write stuff for him (I am trying hard to do this :P) I do have witness
in making this site also :P as it was done in work time hehehehe :)
I hope that all makes sense..