Did you know?... America once issued a 5-cent bill!
From: Lionsteeth@aol.com
To: trailerparkwars@fugly.com
Sent: Sun 07/09/2000 07:40 PM
Subject: Trailerpark Dilemma


The picture of Cousin Denise is that of my personal friend. She sent it to Tony. She did not send it to this other person.

Cousin Denise, also known as "Bug" can be contacted at Lauraleebug@aol.com.

Additionally, the original creator is not a resident of the United States... based on the site when I originally found it some time ago. He used words such as "petrol" as opposed to "gas." He did eventually change that, but the one that has the most "UK-sounding" flavor to it is the right one.

The one created by Leo looks nothing like the original.



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