Did you know?... Cheetahs were raced at Romford greyhound stadium in 1937!
From: Tara Oneill [toneill@hlbnsw.com.au]
To: info@fugly.com
Sent: Sun 07/09/2000 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: www.fugly.com/features/trailerpark/


To Whom It May Concern,

I am exceedingly disheartened by the general dishonesty of the fool who has had the nerve to claim the original concepts behind Tony's trailer park site as his own!

I have known Tony since the beginning of 2000 and date one of his two closest friends. Not only did I see the site at the beginning of 2000, I have heard Tony discuss the site any many occasions since there!

This other idiot's site should be taken off the web and he should be forced to upload a full clear written apology including clear admission of his guilt to not only Tony but the WWW. Tony had created this site well before this other fool even commenced his page. Simple chronology dictates that it is impossible that Tony has committed forgery!

Long live http://welcome.to/mytrailerparkpage


Tara O'Neill

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