Did you know?... There are more than one million animal species on Earth!
From: SummerFli@aol.com
To: trailerparkwars@fugly.com
Sent: Mon 07/10/2000 01:31 AM
Subject: Trailer Wars



I happen to know FOR A FACT that http://welcome.to/mytrailerparkpage is the ORIGINAL site of the Trailer Park Page. The reason I know this is because whenTony first started doing this, I submitted to him some pictures to use, which he has. So I went to this one by "LEO" and he has stolen the format & pictures originally used by Tony. I am OUTRAGED, to say the least that this has gone on & is continueing. Is there any action I can take against this "Leo", who is a complete fraud! Believe me, this LEO is a complete thief & lacks the original humor Tony has to come up with a very hilarious, clever & witty site.


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