Did you know?... The average female will have 3.3 pregnancies in her life.
The Trailer Park Wars
Part 4
We contacted both Leo and Tony and asked the the same 10 questions.
Listen to their answers here.

Don't forget to


1. Who is the creator of the original trailerpark page?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo - RealMedia or MP3
2. How did you come up with the idea?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo - RealMedia or MP3
3. When did you come up with the idea?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo - RealMedia or MP3
4. When did you first post your Trailerpark Page?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo - RealMedia or MP3
5. Why do you think __ is stealing your work and claiming that it is his own?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo -RealMedia or MP3
6. How did you find out that __ was stealing your work?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo -RealMedia or MP3
7. Who owns the email address 'trailerparkpage@hotmail.com'?
Tony RealMedia or - MP3
Leo -RealMedia or MP3
8. What do you think is the strongest evidence in your behalf?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo -RealMedia or MP3
9. What punishment/penalties, if any, should be dealt to the guilty party?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo -RealMedia or MP3
10. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Tony -RealMedia or MP3
Leo -RealMedia or MP3

Part 5. >>

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