Did you know?... The word 'gymnasium' comes from the Greek word gymnazein which means 'to exercise naked.'"
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Holdyourdrink - Game Flash

Hold your liquor.

File: holdyourdrink.swf

Add Like Mad - Game Flash

Add as fast as you can to win.

File: Add_Like_Mad.swf

8queens - Game Flash

This is possibly the most frustrating game I have ever played. If anybody out there figures it out, please let me know because seriously, I wasted about 3 hours on this thing.

File: 8queens.swf

Happypill - Game Flash

Take your happy pills, bud just don't take too much. I get the impression this was made by someone in either a) Rehab or b) an asylum.

File: happypill.swf

Blackjack2000 - Game Flash

It's Blackjack. That's all, just Blackjack.

File: blackJack2000.swf

Boxuppuzzle - Game Flash

Using your arrow keys, move the black square into the smallest shape and then move that shape into the next biggest one. Sounds simple but it's a lot harder than it looks.

File: boxuppuzzle.swf

Alieninvasion - Game Flash

It's a lot like Space Invaders, only you can guide your missiles.

File: alieninvasion.swf

Mouse Avoider - Game Flash

test your mouse skills or simply waste hours and hours of yoru life with this fun game.

File: Mouse_Avoider.swf

Naked Woman Steep Hill - Funny Flash

You decide what she hits.

File: Naked_Woman_Steep_Hill.swf

Milwalkeesbest - Game Flash

Sneak A Peek

File: Milwalkeesbest.swf
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