Some people say that nearly all of the World's problems can be blamed
on one thing. Religion.
don't know if that's true but think about it. All the Wars that
have ever occured were because one group or another thought that
they had some right to take someone else's land, rule over some
other group of people and force them to change their beleifs,
or even to exterminate entire races because they're not as good.
If it's not Muslems trying to kill the infidels, it's the 'chosen
people' deciding to take over someone else's crappy plot of desert
because it's their divine right to do so.
of that makes any sense to me.
can't beleive that any kind of merciful God would put us Humans here
on Earth, gave us a brain so that we can figure out just how completely
illogical all of that crap that gets preached to us sounds, then, if
we can't somehow force ourselves to accept it in the tiny amount of
time we have here on Earth, we'll be burned and tortured for eternity.
not trying to say that I don't beleive in God. I do. I even pray sometimes
but mostly because of fear or guilt. Fear and guilt are a huge part
of my life because I was brought up by Christian parents and went to
Christian Sunday school. Fear and guilt are real big part of Christianity.
They'll tell you that it's faith and love but don't beleive it. It's
fear and guilt.
is what you have to beleive in. We have no real proof of any of what
you must beleive but that's the beauty of it. We don't need to actually
explain it to you because it's all about faith. You just have to beleive
it and if you do, you'll go to Heaven and spend eternity loving the
Lord and having a ball. Oh yeah, and by the way, if you DON'T beleive
it, you'll burn in Hell for ever and ever and ever. No pressure. It's
totally your choice. You know. Free will and all of that...."
seems a little fishy to me.
is probably the only religion that makes people feel obligated to go
out and try to recruit other Christians. It's sort of like a cult when
you think about it.
call it "witnessing" or "ministering" or something
like that. Who the hell knows? Whatever the reason for this blind faith;
Whatever it is that drives them to put up with an asshole like Mike
Williams, it sure makes for a funny conversation.
went to a Christain chat room and started talking about our
problems. It was like throwing a bucket of chum into a pirannah
tank. As soon as we started we had 3 guys latch on to us to try
to win us over to the Lord. One of them now wished he hadn't bothered.
what happened.