Are you planning on keeping the child? EvilSarahBitch: I don't have a choice. rebecca_east: Yes you do! EvilSarahBitch: You don't understand. I don't want this child! rebecca_east: There are other options you know. EvilSarahBitch: Like what? rebecca_east: Abortion. Adoption. Even letting a family member adopt the child might work. EvilSarahBitch: I can't abort the child. People wouldn't like it if I did that. rebecca_east: It's your body and your choice. EvilSarahBitch: I thought about giving the child up for adoption but no one wanted it. rebecca_east: Someone would want it I'm sure. EvilSarahBitch: It's not my body. It's the child's body. rebecca_east: No Sweety. Its YOUR body. No one can tell you what to do with YOUR own body! EvilSarahBitch: So.... even though its the child's body, because it came from me...makes it mine? rebecca_east: Exactly. EvilSarahBitch: Have you ever had one done before? rebecca_east: Yes. EvilSarahBitch: Was the father upset? rebecca_east: It's a bad subject. rebecca_east: :( EvilSarahBitch: Are you upset that you had it done? rebecca_east: No not at all. EvilSarahBitch: Then why is it bad? EvilSarahBitch: Rebecca? rebecca_east: Don't worry about it. EvilSarahBitch: Please tell me. EvilSarahBitch: I need your help. EvilSarahBitch: I want to know about your experience. rebecca_east: no EvilSarahBitch: I figured as much. You're a feminist aren't you? EvilSarahBitch: I guess a weak girl like me isn't worth your time. rebecca_east: Yes I am a feminist but that has nothing to do with it. EvilSarahBitch: Then what are you hiding? EvilSarahBitch: I won't say anything. EvilSarahBitch: Tell me. rebecca_east: I was raped. Thats why I had mine done. EvilSarahBitch: Did your husband do it? rebecca_east: No. The man went to prison and is set to be released in Septemeber. rebecca_east: :( rebecca_east: Grrrrrr EvilSarahBitch: I'm sorry. Don't get upset now. rebecca_east: My family is very religious and didn't want me to abort. rebecca_east: But its my body and my choice. rebecca_east: I would have grown to hate the child. EvilSarahBitch: Like I hate mine? rebecca_east: I imagine so. rebecca_east: We're off subject rebecca_east: This started off with a discussion about your baby. EvilSarahBitch: It's not a baby. rebecca_east: Right. I didn't mean to use that word. EvilSarahBitch: So what should I do? rebecca_east: It's your choice. Just make sure no one trys to influence your decision. EvilSarahBitch: If you were in my situation what would you do? rebecca_east: I don't know. Is the father a decent man? EvilSarahBitch: He's dead. rebecca_east: OMG I'm sorry EvilSarahBitch: It's ok. I've learned to get by without him. EvilSarahBitch: He got hit by a garbage truck. EvilSarahBitch: He was an asshole anyways. rebecca_east: LOL rebecca_east: Well. The choice is yours. rebecca_east: Just remember that its YOUR body. rebecca_east: No one else's. EvilSarahBitch: Ok. rebecca_east: :) EvilSarahBitch: I'm gonna do it. EvilSarahBitch: Thank you Rebecca. rebecca_east: You're welcome. I'm always here if you need me afterwards. EvilSarahBitch: Afterwards? rebecca_east: Yes. Some women find it difficult to cope after the incident. EvilSarahBitch: I'll remember that. Thanks again. ----15 minutes later---- EvilSarahBitch:
Alright! Rebecca I did it! |
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