Did you know?... If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
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This Video Shows How In France Their Boobs Are Made Of Goo

This video shows how in france their boobs are made of goo.
Skydiver Does A Belly Flop

Skydiver does a belly flop.
He Needs Glasses And The Other One Needs A Good Proctologist

He needs glasses and the other one needs a good proctologist.
This Is Even Better When They Do It With Hamsters

This is even better when they do it with hamsters.
This Is Who Benicio Del Toro Studied For Fear And Loathing

This is who benicio del toro studied for fear and loathing.
That Joe Theisman Video Where He Does That Thing With His Leg

That joe theisman video where he does that thing with his leg.
The Most Flamboyant Referee In Soccer

The most flamboyant referee in soccer.
Oh Japan How Do You Keep Coming Up With New Ways To Surprise Me

Oh japan how do you keep coming up with new ways to surprise me.
There Is Nothing In The World More Helpless And Irresponsible And Depraved Than A Man In The Depths Of An Ether Binge

There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.
Cats Do This When They Get Ready To Sleep For Some Reason

Cats do this when they get ready to sleep for some reason.
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