Did you know?... It is estimated that millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them!
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Mike And Meegan

Mike and Meegan. And then, just Mike.
Shark Bait

Crazy shark attack video.

How to tell a relationship is over... in 90 seconds.

So I've subscribed to this new video-dating service... I think I should cancel.
06 Htf Nuttin

Remember kids, candy is BAD for you! Happy Tree Friends illustrate.
Flame Thrower

I don't care what they say! I'm trying this right when I get home tonight!

If people keep doing these sorta things, the world will be a smarter place in just a matter of years!

Did George Lucas make this movie?
Superbowl Sunday

I would watch more football if it was like this.

I need to find out where this is so I can stay the hell away from it!
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