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No nukes is good nukes.

Everybody was Kung Foo fighting. Well, at least the teacher was.

This is hystercal. You know what they say, stereotypes are there for a reason.
Dart In Back1

Watch a aguy throw a dart into his friend's back.
American Idols Worst1

The worst American Idol contestants ever, all performing live. What a disaster.
Corey Martinez1

"Corey Martinez is simply an animal on a bike, killing it with some of the smoothest and most stylish riding in BMX videos today." (I totally copied that from a description on one of his videos, Drop The Hammer. You can get it at Amazon)
Anna K Shoot1

Anna K.'s swimsuit photo shoot. *bites fist*
Hypnosis Video1

Watch what this guy does to this hot girl while he has her hypnotized. Talk about missed opportunity.

Fireworks and parking cones. Does it get any better? Yeah, it absolutely does. What the hell do you think, this is the pinnacle of entertainment? You need to get out more often.

I tried this last night and spent 11 hours in the Emergency room.
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