Did you know?... The most collect calls are made on Father's Day.
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The musical stylings of Bruce Binney. Why this guy isn't more famous is beyond me. Oh wait! Now he IS!
Cop Prank1

These guys are going to get tazered for sure. But it was worth it.

The best used car commercial. EVARR!
Salvia Kid Messed Up1

They say you only use about 10% of your brain anyway, so why not get rid of the other 90? Makes good sense... if you're high on Salvia.
Negros In Space

The Old Negro Space Leagues. NASSA. This is really funny.
Prank Your Garbage Man1

How to piss off your garbage man.

ARGH!!! NO!!!
Margie Hicks1

Margie Hicks. Man, you remeber her? Naw, neither do I.
King Kong Baby1

Damnit, ford needs to run these kinds of commercials here

Remember when you used to blow bubbles as a kid? He told me to say hi. Anyway, why are all these guys shirtless?
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