Did you know?... If you could fold a piece of paper in half 42 times, the combined thickness would reach the moon.
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Dont Copy That Floppy

Yeah, what are you thinking kid. Get the bit-torrent instead. Jeeze. Lame-o.
Bush Chinese Escape

I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy. Honest.
Disappearing Man Box

Now you see him, now you don't.
Pushed Into Stream

Want to see why kids take pipe bombs and shotguns to school?
Boeing 747 Transformer

More than meets the eye.
Old Japanese Show

I'm telling you. Put English subtitles over it and run it on Fox. It will be a huge hit. Or not.
Christmas Tree Fire

It doesn't take long for a Christmas tree to go up in flames. I guess I don't need to keep mine soaked with kerosene this year afterall.
More Awesome Christmas Ligh

More Christmas lights set to music. This is pretty impressive.
Butt Rocket

When are you people going to learn? When will you learn NOT TO TRY AND LAUNCH ROCKETS FROM YOUR ASS!?
Mid Air Plane Crash

Two planes collide in mid-air. Miraculously, no one is killed. You'll see why at the end.
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