Did you know?... Karate actually originated in India, but was developed further in China.
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Wijs Me De Weg Naar Benidorm

Words can not describe this. I think I'm scarred forever.
Guy Gets Flattened

Is this a telephone pole? This would make a really good, "Can you hear me now?" commercial.

I don't think this guy is going to Turino. I don't think he's still able to walk, to tell you the truth.
Lion Hunt

Some big game hunters almost get eaten by a lion before they shoot it.
Fall Down Staircase

Some kid falls down a spiral staircase.
Light Fishing

I guess the lights make the fish panic so they start jumping all over the place.
Superbowl Commercials Espn Phone

I take back what I said about that Full Throttle commercial having the best special effects. These were just as good, only this one made sense.
Superbowl Commercials Emeralds Nuts

Flogging Ugly Gorillas Last Year. Finding Unreasonalble Girls Lying in my Yard. These are easy. More reason not to make them into a commercial. D.
Superbowl Commercials Disney World

You think this is fake, but it's not.
Superbowl Commercials Jessica Simpson Pizza

As hot as Jessica Simpson is, does anyone else out there find her completely sexless? I want to be attracted to her, I really do. But it's like trying to be attracted to a mannequin in a department store window. Does anyone understand what I'm saying?
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