Did you know?... Goodbye came from "God bye" which came from "God be with you."
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Total Relaxation

This cat really knows how to relax.

Is the name of this one 'Painkillers' because they're high on painkillers, or because they feel no pain? Or because I got a sharp pain behind my right eye while I was watching this?
Soccer Player Faints During Interview

Talk about stage fright.

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times. The World would be a much easier place to live in if we just accepted the fact that we're all a bunch of apes.
Firework Safety For Manequins And Watermellons

Remember kids. Don't hold your fireworks while you light them. Have one of your friends hold them instead.
Kung Foo Lessons

You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I’m wearing these bad boys? I didn't think so.
Amazing Acrobat

Now this is impressive.
Lynne Tessa

Germany. I would never have guessed that. We're having like a German theme today or something.
Cows And Chickens

Keep your eye on the chicken.
Mexican Bullrider

Is this that same crazy German bull? Ok, after watching this I have a prediction for World Cup 2006. Germany vs Portugal, or Brazil. (Doesn't matter so long as they speak Spanish so it fits with this clip.) End result, Germany wins.
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