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Bike Bail

A guy jumps off of his bike while going over a ramp.
Deadwood Vs Lucky Louie

Deadwood vs. Lucky Louie's laugh track.
Guy Gets Tasered And Then Cries

A guy cries after being shot with a Taser.
Bush Swears To Blair

Bush expresses frustration that the UN should be doing more to pressure Syrian president Assad to get Hesbalah to stop the violence in the Middle East.
Crazy Saudi Driving

Maybe it's the heat that makes them so insane.
Girl Wrestles And Pins A Guy

This is one tough girl. That or one really weak man. Or both.
Ufo Over New York City

Footage of a UFO over New York on July 14 2006.
Tough Guy Vs Taser

This tough guy is no match for the Taser.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Taking His Shirt Off On Some Talk Show

With the right running mate, this man could be President of the United States one day.
David Hasselhoff Jump In My Car

Schwarzenegger Hasselhoff 2008. Their campaign slogan could be, "Hey, why the hell not?"
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