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Fugly >> victims >> VictimX 26

Girls get lonely too. Especially fat girls. Johnny Cheesedog knows this better than anyone else so sometimes he just goes to a chat room, sits quietly, and waits.

Johnny Cheezedawg is are actually one of us here at Fugly.

The innocent victim in all of this is VictimX26

UPDATE: If you've seen this conversation online with the names changed to Bloodninja and Sweet-17, you should know that FUGLY.COM IS THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR of this chat log. If you see it elsewhere, please contact us and report it so we can ask them to give us credit.

And fuck you, Bloodninja, whoever you are. You suck, and the only funny IM conversations you have on that page that's been passed all over the Web are the ones you stole from us. Loser.

Here's what happened.

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