Did you know?... Leather skin does not have any smell. The leather smell that you sense is actually derived from the materials used in the tanning process.
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Mccain Wantering Eyes With Palin

Mccain wantering eyes with palin.
Mccain Calls A Kid A Little Jerk

Mccain calls a kid a little jerk.
That Scary Raining Mccain Video

That scary raining mccain video.
Mccain And Miss Teen South Carolina On The Economy

Mccain and miss teen south carolina on the economy.
Mccain Sings Bomb Bomb Iran

Mccain sings bomb bomb iran.
John Mccain Eye Rolls Montage

John mccain eye rolls montage.
Mcain Says My Fellow Prisoners

Mcain says my fellow prisoners.
John Mccain Loses His Cool At The Debate

John mccain loses his cool at the debate.
John Mccain Calls Sarah Palin

John mccain calls sarah palin.
John Mccain Calls His Wife A C Word

John mccain calls his wife a c word.
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