Did you know?... Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.
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F 16 Comes Comes Dangerously Close To People On The Ground

F 16 comes comes dangerously close to people on the ground.
Canadian Radio Station Pranks Sarah Palin Yes This Is A Real Prank With The Real Sarah Palin

Canadian radio station pranks sarah palin yes this is a real prank with the real sarah palin.
Kid Smashes His Parents Brand New Lcd Tv While Playing His Nintendo Wii

Kid smashes his parents brand new lcd tv while playing his nintendo wii.
Google Earth Tour Of The Mccain Residences

Google earth tour of the mccain residences.
Mccain Delivers Bottled Hot Water To Dehydrated Babies

Mccain delivers bottled hot water to dehydrated babies.
The Big Lebowski Mccain Parody

The big lebowski mccain parody.
John Mccain Will Veto Every Single Beer

John mccain will veto every single beer.
How About Sarah Palin Hehhh

How about sarah palin hehhh.
The That One Comment

The that one comment.
Mccain Accidentally Agrees With Pennsylvania

Mccain accidentally agrees with pennsylvania.
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