Did you know?... Native Americans do not have to pay tax on their land.
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Snow 298789

A very slippery situation turnd in to a rather sticky one.
Rally Disaster

Check out this violent crash at a rally race. It's amazing that with so many people standing so close that no one was hit.
Skater Car Window

A kid on a skateboard, being pulled by a car, smashes through the back window of a parked car.

An amazing snowmobile jump.

An oldie but a goode. Super Troopers.
I Killed My Cpu 00011

I wonder if this guy realizes that Bill Gates probably has nothing at all to do with his computer's hardware. Anyway, he seems awfully upset.

Watch a guy get shot with a Roman Candle. Over and over and over again. This is insane.

This guy is so dead.

It's true. Charles Schulz did get a little crazy in his old age.
Tiger Vs Alligator1

Ever wondered what would win in a fight between a tiger and an alligator? Well now you know!
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