Did you know?... The first product that the toy company Mattel came out with was picture frames.
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1 Hornguy11

I'd like to watch this guy fight to the death against a mime. Then I'd like to shoot the winner.

This is...man...if this is real...These guys have the BIGGEST BALLS in the world!
Dance Voldo Dance1

I miss Soul Caliber

I think I could've starred in this
Amazing Asian Breakdancers1

Man, these kids are so talented that I decided to hang up my breakdancing cardboard sheet and take up herion.

You'd think that one of the first things that they would teach new newscasters is, never ever ever curse while there is a camera nearby. I never get tired of seeing the look of panic on the other newscasters' faces when they cut back to them.
Farting In Bed

An oldie but a goodie. Farting in bed.

My salsa. Salsa salsa salsa salsa my salsa.

Why do I have the feeling that this is going to be titled, "evidence" some day?
Skier Wipeout1

Does anybody remember the intro to The Wide World Of Sports where they showed the ski-jumper crash when it said, "The agony of defeat"? I think this could replace that.
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