Did you know?... Of the six men who made up the Three Stooges, three of them were real brothers (Moe, Curly, and Shemp).
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Drunk Driver

Drunk driving. Because what's funnier than some drunken idiot crashing his car, so long as no one gets hurt?

Kablooey! I'm guessing this is somewhere in Iraq. Or Detroit.

Bizarro world streaker.
Basketball Kid

Now this is impressive!

Watch that last curve. It's a doozy.
Balancing Beagle

Why is it that some people have dogs like this, and I can't even get mine to stop crapping on the floor?
Broken Leg1

Ouch. OUCH, MAN! This is hard to watch.
Tazer To Nuts1

Hey, want to see what happens when you tazer a guy in the nuts? Sure you do!
Wife School1

If only it were real.
Sled Jump1

How did this guy not get hurt doing this?
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