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Drunk Women 28277

It's probably a good idea to wait until after you've finished singing the National Anthem to start drinking. Even at a hockey game.

Dynamic Departures. Because what's more fun than blowing stuff up?
Water Bed

Here's one for you Moms out there today. You've heard of Pavlov's dog. This is Pavlov's baby.
Slow Down

A very graphic demonstration of why you shouldn't speed. Or why you should have better brakes. Or why your kid shouldn't play in the street. One of those.
Skid Marks

Somebody is definitely going to have skidmarks after this one. Ouch.
Street Fight 3836

I can't tell if this is fake or not, but it looks pretty violent.
Pillsbury Pooper

Uhh.. I don't know how to describe this one. Just watch. It'll either be very funny or very weird. Or both.
Art Teacher

An oldie but a goodie. Teacher of the year!
Pineapple V Shotgun

The fastes juicer ever made. Instant pinapple juice!
Interview Grope

I'm not sure what country this is from, but it looks like they do things a little differently over there. By different, I mean much better!
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