Did you know?... Saturn's rings are about 500,000 miles in circumference but only about a foot thick.
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Incredible Pool Shots

Incredible pool shots!
Totally Drunk

Mit Ato Jumpers

This is CRAZY. Watch some MIT students jumping out of a 5 story window!
Close Call Gramps

Grandad had a close call. Really close.
Halo Players Dream

$100 says some video game nerd is going to have an orgasm watching this video.
Super Stars

Little rappers in training. This is really cute.
Nice Catch

Nice catch. With your FACE!
Angry Soccer Players

It appears the players are as angry as the fans. I say take a way the ball and let them fight it out on the field. To the death. I bet people would pay good money to see that.
God Mistake

Hey. Nobody's perfect.
Ferarri Crunch

Well. That certainly looked expensive. Soem idiot crashes his brand new Ferarri.
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