Did you know?... The first product that Sony came out with was the rice cooker.
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Drunk Women Kissing

More video of drunk women.. kissing!
Flying Tank

Once Al Qaeda sees this, you just know they're going to surrender.
3d Desktop

Now you can read your spam from all sides.
Backflip Skater

So close, but yet so far. Ouch.
Annoying Cellphone

I think we can all relate to this one.
Smoking Eyes

Watch a guy smoke a pipe... with his EYE!
Skew Her

A guy pokes his date in the face with a shishkabob. Time to get new contacts.
Chopper Crash

New York: A news chopper makes a crash landing on the roof of a building. Amazingly, no one was killed.
Mechanical Bull

I'm willing to make a pretty bold prediction. I think that the whole Urban Cowboy look is really going to make a come-back. I only think that because this girl is so hot.
Atf Wheelies

Some kids decide to do wheelies on their ATV down a highway. Big surprise, they're only wearing tshirts and jeans and no helmets. I wonder what could possibly go wrong.
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