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Summer Of 69

Slitz Summer Party 2005? I thought for a minute this was all about Schlitz Malt Liquor. Oh well, there are girls wearing bikinis in this.
Thong Warning

Thanks doc. Way to ruin it for everybody.
Baby Barf

So you'd like to be a parent huh?
Real Life Versus Internet

Real life versus the Internet. Oh this is so true.
Boo Bees

Put this on loop and be hypnotized.

Wax on. Wax off!
Smashing Melons

It's truly amazing what a little bit of alcohol can do to otherwise normal people. Watch some idiots smashing melons with their heads. Also, it's a little known fact that this is how the band Smashing Pumpkins got their name. Drunkards.

An oldie but a goodie. Skateboarding dog!
Shoot Out

You remember the groundskeeper from the movie, Rudy? Well this isn't him getting into a gun-fight with some cops. Not even close.
War Sucks

Here's why we have Memorial Day. These guys are going to be over there getting shot while you're grilling hot dogs. Don't forget it.
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