Did you know?... An earthquake on Dec. 16, 1811 caused parts of the Mississippi River to flow backwards!
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Bare Knuckle Fights

Bare Knuckle Fights!
Genius Girl

Another genius kid. I think I was lucky if I could tie my own shoes at this age. Wait, I'm lucky if I can tie my own shoes NOW.
Little Biker

Pro Gression. The story of a fearless 4-year-old.
Banned Flinstones1

Imagine if they played commercials like this today. People would go nuts over it.
Boogie Pimps1

This is just wierd. But there's a really hot girl in it!
Granny Vibrator

This is why your mother always told you to put your toys away when you were finished playing with them. Not for your own sake, but for hers.
Fart On Fire1

An oldie but a goodie - Fart_on_Fire.
Balloon Prank

Soem college students smash a port-a-potty with a giant water baloon, with a girl still inside.

Some crazy driving skills. I don't think their wheels stop smoking the entire time.

They're filled with air? This is pretty gross either way.
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