Did you know?... In India, Pajamas are accepted as standard daytime wearing apparel.
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America Stfu

Well, if you're going to know one English phrase, this is a pretty useful one.
Sucka Punch

This is the polar opposite of Mike Tyson. This guy doesn't know WHEN to quit.
Slipy Flop

Some woman nearly breaks her neck on live TV.
Real Life Counterstrike

Real-Life Counterstrike.
Amazing Comeback

The most exciting part of a basketball game is always the ending. Check out one of the most amazing come from behind wins ever.
Miller Light

This is the best commercial ever made. Ever.
Pie Fight

Whoa. I don't remember scenes like this on Gilligan's Island.
Bloody Zit

Something tells me this isn't going to sell.
Catch And Release

Don't let those good ones go to waste!
Rainbow Brite

Mike Williams has been doing this for DAYS now. We can't get him to stop.
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