Did you know?... Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
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An oldie but a goodie, Farting Preacher.
Evil Granny

I don't care how lod she is, this Granny would have lost an arm. Ok, not really.
We Want Dinosaurs

We Want Donosaurs - www.flamingboner.com
Britny Kfed Sex Tape

Oprah and Stedmond made a sex tape too.
Football Riot

Go team!
Flaming Idiots

This guy looks like the Romanian Steven Colbert. It's French, bitch.
Happy Birthday

Birthday celebrations are much different in other countries. No better or worse. Just different.
Astro Cat Torture

NASA recently discovered that they can save 1.3 Million dollars on each space mission by simply including a cat that the Astronauts can torture in their spare time.
2000 Sparklers

This is what it looks like when you light 2000 sparklers all at once.

Appareantly, Fanta contains crack. I had no idea.
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