Did you know?... It takes twelve ears of corn to make a tablespoon of corn oil.
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I think they're selling phones. Doesn't matter. I'll buy it.

A compilation of clips of people slipping and falling.
Oh Crap

An oldie but a goodie. Oh crap.
Conference Call

Note to self: If there is a camera in the room, assume it's turned on.

This year's winner of the Slam-Dunk Competition.
Fun Toilet

Is the prevalence of SCAT movies in Japan really all that surprising to anyone? Seriously?
Russian Drunk

I have absolutely no idea what's happening in this video but it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Picnic Table Wipeout

So close but yet so far. Some guy tries a rail-slide on a picknick table and wipes out, sacrificing the family jewels.
Rocket Pack

Remember those water-rockets you used to have as a kid? What if you had a really REALLY big one...strapped to your back?
Smoove Moove

Check out this amazing hockey shot.
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