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Light On Fire

A bunch of kids having some good clean fun. But only if 'good clean fun' includes lighting eachother's pubes on fire. I don't think I'm ever going to have kids. Seriously.
Sissy Fight

I don't care if this guy did win the fight, he looks like a complete moron with all that Kung Foo nonsense. What's with the Karate Kid poses before they fight? Is that supposed to scare the other guy off?
Vida Guerra Photo Shoot

Oh Vida you so fine. You so fine you blow my mind hey Vida.

This anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun. Ok, forget the buns. He'll eat you without them.
Little Birdie

I tought I taw a puddytat. No, it was just some drunken idiot college kid who likes to eat birds. Neeto.

Part of a documentary on hornets attacking a hive of honey bees. The honey bees don't stand a chance. This has some pretty incredible footage.
Kenny Rogers Jackass

Wil Sasso as Kenny Rogers, doing Jackass stunts. This made me laugh so hard milk squirted out of my nose.
Juan Pablo Montoya

F1 Racecar driver, Juan Pablo Montoya says, "You f**king idiot! You broke my f**king head". Meatball.
Jet Ski Crash

Summer is finally here! Time to break out all those boats and Jet-Skis ... and then crash them.
Hiv Prank

This is just plain mean. Some kid calls up an ex-girlfriend and tells her he has HIV. Listen to her reaction.
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