Did you know?... One cubic mile of seawater contains about 50 pounds of gold.
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Prep School Fight

Wat to see a bunch of English prep-school kids have a slap fight? Don't you guys have more important things to worry about?
Numa Numa Leggo

Numa Numa, Leggo style.
Tetris Champ

The most amazing Tetris player ever. EVER!
Schoolyard Brawl

Kids these days. Yet ANOTHER schoolyard fight.

XTreme paintball.
Penguin Freakout

Red Bull gives you wings! Umm.. MORE wings!
Seat Sniffer

I think every office has a guy like this.
Bored In Iraq

Passing the time in Iraq.
Soccer Skillz

Look ma! No hands!
Car Sledding

Looks perfectly safe to me.
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