Did you know?... More people have a phobia of frogs than rats.
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Wipeout Iii

Because the only sports worth watching are those where participation leads, inevitably and inexorably, to a fiery and gruesome death.

At what point does heading a goal in soccer become a Pyrrhic victory? Doesn't that do damage?
Air Crashes

Don't you people ever get tired of things crashing? No?
Hard Head

China's free market economy has changed the world - liberated and enfranchised a billion oppressed people with jobs and buying power - and brought us...this.

I wish they were allowed to advertise tobacco on TV in the US.
2 Women Hit By Car

In Chzekoslovakia, everybody stops to help her up. In the US, people pretend they haven't seen. What a great country.
580hp Golf

Ze folksvagon, it ees so fast! Farffenuggen!
Super A Hole

Dude, that is not cool. This is the kind of thing lynching mobs are really intended for.
Air Show

It's like JAG, only none of the shots seem to have anything to do with each other, and it doesn't really make me feel respect or awe. Maybe you have to see it in person or something.
Baby Daddy

Andrew, the non-baby-daddy with the most grace and tact this side of...uh...Kevin Federline.
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