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Axes Attempt At Viral Marke

I think they meant to write, Viral Marketing but we get it. It's pretty funny all the same.

Dunno. Maybe you can get it to work.

You know, I always was kind of upset that my dad never let us have video games when we were little. Never got to develop that thumb-eye coordination.
Hanz And Franz1

To tell you the truth, I'm not real pleased to see either of them.

I think this is just as bad as those women who dress up their little girls and bury them in pancake makeup and parade them around on stage at beauty pagents.
Surf Lessons1

Surf lessons! Stupid guy. He deserved it.
The Delivery1

Again, with the creepy and the unnatural. Maybe it's just the people - the landscape shots are atmospheric and beautiful.

I know people are very proud of their demo reels...but sorry, this just looks creepy to me.

Cute. If you buy the whole car-as-compensation theory, is this some sort of symbolic castration happening? Like I said, cute.

Ohhhh! I get it now!
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