Did you know?... In England, in the 1880's, 'Pants' was considered a dirty word.
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Role Model

Millions of little girls look up to this woman-child. And this is BEFORE she married a baby-mama-abandoning, Red-smoking, cornrowed unemployed wigger.

This is so stupid, I don't even know what to say. I kept watching, hoping it would somehow become less stupid. It never happened.
Prize Fighters

Old men, pissed at each other and screaming in another language and doing their best to kill each other. Awesome.

People get *rich* doing this. Hey, God bless 'em, right?
Dancing Girls

Hint: If at any point in your life you've felt compelled to videotape yourself dancing to see how sexy you look, you are neither sexy nor a good dancer.
Cycle Hits Car

Some idiot wearing short sleeves as shorts on a bike rear-ends a car. Moron.

MORE crashes. Set to a lamer song this time!
Crash Compilation

Crashes. Because you can't get enough of them.
Cool Card Trick

I don't know about "cool". But there are cards, and it is a trick, yes.

This is a really mean ad, when you get down to it, isn't it?
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