Did you know?... Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison were all 27 years old when they died.
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Fighting Over A Guy

I love it - love the fugliness of these "hot" girls, love their thick eastern European accents, the cheapness of the set, love it.
Emo Cuts

Hahaha. I couldn't agree more.
Electric Sausage

Some wankers playing with their sausages.
Eating A Spider


Muscle relaxants are funny! So is rampant malicious misuse of prescription drugs!
Dash Boards

What exactly is this sport? These guys almost make it look cool.
Melyssa Ford Again

She's super hot, in that Cinemax kind of way. Which is to say, super hot.
Melyssa Ford

This is a respectful use of our nation's symbol and an honor to our troops, sure.
Mark Mathis

Wow. Weatherman who thinks he's a comedian, but he's actually a total lunatic. Is he allowed to do this on the air? Jesus.
Jet Cart

Is there, um, like, a point to this?
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