Did you know?... Honeybees have a type of hair on their eyes!
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I wish we reallyh had news reports like this.
Cat Vs Fsnce

Awww. I hope he was alright.

Um, what exactly was the point of videotaping this? Doesn't that kind of make you...like...a dumb crook?
Butane In My Brain

This must be what they teach kids in school nowadays - racial epiteths and wanton violence.

Possibly the dumbest idea anyone has ever had during a party. But it looks really cool, though.

Pretty girl. Not-so-pretty gas.
Budlight Pickuplines

hahahaha. That Cedric the Entertainer sure is a hoot! *rolls eyes*
Base Demo

BASE jumpers. I can't decide if these guys are awesome, or incredibly stupid. Probably both.
Barneys Wasted

What Minnesooooota fellas do when they're tipsy, doncha knoow.
Aamish Paradise

Yeah, yeah, we've all seen it...but it's funny to watch again.
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