Did you know?... President George W. Bush and Playboy founder Hugh Hefner are cousins!
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Yellow Hawk Down

More crashes. Except with helicopters, yeah!
Wifes Fault

HAHAHAHA. I'd buy insurance from these guys.

Whoa. Tim Burton in training.
Water Bed

This is so mean-spirited and pointless, it cracked me up. I'm still laughing at how bewildered the guy is.
Viagra Kills

Germany is a scary, scary place.

GO YELLOW. Go yellow, go yellow, go yellow, for God's sake!
David Blaine Wannabe

Proof that people will stand and watch ANYTHING.
Typical Yankees Fan

You're welcome, Boston.
True Color

I don't know what this is, but it's pretty cool looking.
Too Fat

This is like that scene in Napoleon Dynamite...only with a fatass.
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