Did you know?... In space, astronauts cannot cry properly, because there is no gravity, so the tears can't flow down their faces!
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Whoa. High school lacrosse, major league hockey-style.

Okay, okay...looks good, sure. But the point is?
Falling Apart

How depressing. Crappy UPN reality shows in the US have better production values than legitimate news productions elsewhere.
Drunken Idiot 286772

This is a good idea, yeah.

Date Rape Spray

Wait...so is this trying to tell me that Axe, Tag and Lynx are all DIFFERENT products?
Cs Freak

The thing is, though...I think we all know someone like this.
Crash And Smash

'cause I know you love crashes. On motorcycles!
Crackhead Cribs

This is why we should only let people who've signed a contract promising to never, ever repeat any of his catchphrases or bits watch Dave Chapelle.

Maybe you can tell what's going on here. Because I sure as hell can't.
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