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The Aristocrats

The famous joke, South Park style. Comedians talk about how this joke is about the nature of humor, blah blah blah...I just think it's so gross it's funny.

Awesome. We so need one.
Swallow Tongue

Gross! Don't they tell you in first aid classes now that this is a medical impossibility?

"HAHAHA, d00d, you said a dirty word! d00d, that was AWESOME!"
Shark Attack

Oh, my God. This is really scary.
Super Dad

Father of the Year. The silly wanker.
Redneck Reaction

Like that famous Honda commercial, except with egg-crate mattress pads and busted tires.

This is - and I mean this, boys and girls - mind-bogglingly stupid. You will never get this seven minutes of your life back.
Oh State Wet Tshirt

Like a low-budget Girls Gone WIld. Lower budget, I guess.

Just one crash this time, but a jolly big one.
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