Did you know?... In Natoma, Kansas, it's illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits
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Stewie Plugs Mtv

Now you listen to me, Mr. Cent! Don't forget the taint. I love Family Guy.
Sky Cutter1

A hollowed-out flying lawnmower with a remote controll! I'm sure this is very safe.

Ah, Mother Nature's majesty!

Gene Kelly would breakdance in his grave if he saw this.
Shot In The Head

Violent video games and movies have had NO part in shaping our childrens' worldviews, oh nooooo.
Pine U Pork1

Why does everyone else in the world have much better commercials than we do?

Xtreme, um...hangliding.

HAHAHAHAHA. Oh, my God...I've played this like five times now. It's short and very, very sweet.

The only really funny part of this is the woman with some kind of palsy...because of JESUS.

You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll need Dramamine!
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