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Unbelievable. This is a pretty tricky shot.

This pool is really shallow. There's a reason why there's no diving board. So this guy gets a ladder and uses that as a jumpoff point while his friends cheer him on. I think the metaphor of the shallow end of the pool is pretty clear here.

Haha, those English, known for their incredible sense of visual humor, their progressiveness, and the way they don't climg desperately onto old ways when there are umpteen new and better ways! Yeah, England!

A body-spray commercial that's actually clever and requires an understanding of historical Middle Eastern society that doesn't involve the words "sand ***ger".

This s***'s bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Cause I ain't no hollaback girl...God, I hate you, Gwen Stefani. I hate you with the fire of a thousand suns...uh, I mean, this is a movie about a homemade banana bomb.

Awww! Although I think they're using too much baby powder.

Your standard crazy-ass bike trick movie, but with infinitely better production values.
Anti Kerry Commercial1

Was this real? This makes me want to move to Canada. Do political interest groups really think that the American voting public has a collective IQ of 12?

Judging from the cheers in the audience, this fellow makes a LIVING doing this. God bless America.

Crashes. You love crashes, right? Hooray!
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