Did you know?... Attics were invented in Attica.
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I guess this is, like, a "talent" that this guy's been practicing for a while. What a dickhead.

Remind me to never, ever go to India. But maybe I'll buy a Peugot.

Have you ever actually had these lollipops? They really are that good.

So, this woman's in the basement, doing the laundry, right down to the clothes she has on. She's annoyed by this leak in the ceiling, so she grabs the nearest available head covering - her son's old football helmet. Just then, she hears the doorbell ring up stairs. "It's the blind man!" a voice calls out. THinking quick, and deciding it doesn't matter, she opens the door and holds out some money to put in his cup. The man shifts the venetian blinds he's come to

Have you ever seen a really little dog try to mate with a really big dog? Well, you're about to.

The perfect hobby for the Texas serial killer with too much time on his hands.

A very...um..*tit*illating advertisment.

What the HELL is this? What's going on? This is really creepy - the guys face towards the end is kind of scary.

Biker. Wipeout. Highway. All there is to say, really.

This is....kind of disturbing. ANd gross, at the end.
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