Did you know?... Buttermilk does not contain any butter.
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Complete Jerk

If you look up the word, "A-Hole" in the dictionary, ...there is a link to Fugly.com and also a picture of this guy.
Poodle Buffer

This video made me blow Dr. Pepper through my nose. This is a funy one.
Big Breasts Implants

There IS in fact such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Alcohol + Guys + golf clubs - brains = GOOD TIMES!!
Katrina Reporter Cnn

Watch as some CNN reporter loses it on live television.
True Freak

100% all natural, baby!
Tough Guy

It's always fun to see little kids fight. This one's a tough guy. I'm sure he gets along just fine in prison.
Donkey Kong

These kids...can barely speak in coherent sentences. But they can operate a video camera. Maybe they can grow up to be filmmakers or something.
Riaa Psa

THis makes me laugh, especially since they're at it agian.
Fool Moon

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